OData Share Price Web Service

Main web service is here -> http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc or you can try the new MVC4 API version

Please note that the data used by this service is out of date and not being updated.

You can view the Silverlight v4 Application that consumes this oData Service - http://www.webspecdevit.co.uk/Webforms/SL4ConsoData/

You can download the WpfOData.zip - WPF Consumer Client (ClickOnce deployment)

You can download the android31OData.apk - uses odata4j android library

Consuming oData with Kendo UI Web Grid - http://www.webspecdevit.co.uk/Webforms/odatakendo/

This service can be tested using a free tool LINQpad v4 free edition, as it has a built in connection for OData (WCF Data Services).

This service can be consumed in php,Java,Javascript.Ruby,.NET (silverlight/wpf,wp7),iphone/Mac,Joomla,Drupal see for more info

For more info on all OData Commands,etc go here -> OData Commands,etc..

Note: you will need to disable feed viewing in your browser to see the results:

To retrieve all Companies and their Prices on indexid 1 (FTSE100), in xml format you need to enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/indices(1)?$expand=Companies/Price

To view all indices in xml format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/indices

To view all companies in xml format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Companies

To view all Prices in xml format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Prices

To view all currencies in xml format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/currencies

To view all companies containing 'Bank' in xml format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Companies?$filter=substringof('Bank',Company1) eq true

To view all companies starting with 'Bank' in xml format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Companies?$filter=startswith(Company1,'Bank') eq true

To view all companies ending with 'Ltd' in xml format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Companies?$filter=endswith(Company1,'Ltd') eq true

To retrieve all Companies and their Prices on indexid 1 (FTSE100), in JSON format you need to enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/indices(1)?$expand=Companies/Price&$format=json

To view all indices in json format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/indices?$format=json

To view all companies in json format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Companies?$format=json

To view all Prices in json format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Prices?$format=json

To view all currencies in json format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/currencies$format=json

To view all companies containing 'Bank' in JSON format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Companies?$filter=substringof('Bank',Company1) eq true&$format=json

To view all companies starting with 'Bank' in JSON format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Companies?$filter=startswith(Company1,'Bank') eq true&$format=json

To view all companies ending with 'Ltd' in JSON format enter http://odata.spws.me.uk/spwcfef.svc/Companies?$filter=endswith(Company1,'Ltd') eq true&$format=json

This site is best viewed at 1024*768 screen resolution.

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Last modified 17 May 2024 00:22:59

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